Annulment In Florida: Navigating the Labyrinth of Void & Voidable Marriages

Unravel the complexities of annulments, bigamy, and void marriages in Florida law with our latest article. Learn the key differences between divorce and annulment, the requirements for a valid Florida.
@admin 20 June 2024

From my initial days of practicing law, I’ve been surprised by how many people aren’t familiar with certain terms or concepts—like bigamy, void marriages, and especially annulments. So, let’s demystify some of these today!

What is an Annulment?

An annulment is a court procedure that declares that a marriage never legally existed. Essentially, it means the parties return to their pre-marriage status. It’s distinct from a divorce in several ways. In Florida, an annulment doesn’t involve property division or alimony, making the process vastly different from a divorce where assets may be split.

Requirements For a Valid Florida Marriage

Before diving further into annulments, let’s understand what constitutes a valid marriage in Florida. To establish a legally recognized marriage:

Marriage License: The couple must obtain a marriage license. It should be issued by a Florida county court judge or a clerk of the court. But here’s a catch – this license isn’t forever. It expires within 60 days unless an authorized official performs a ceremony.

Official Solemnization: The union needs to be solemnized through a ceremony. The officials who can officiate your marriage include ordained ministers, elders in communion with a church, or other ordained clergy. Moreover, in Florida, the clerk of courts or a notary from the state can also formalize a marriage.

Bigamy: A Key Factor in Void Marriages

A subject that’s particularly startling for many is bigamy. Bigamy occurs when one person is already married and then marries another person. This act makes the subsequent marriage automatically void in Florida. It’s alarming how many aren’t familiar with this term or the ramifications it holds. Understanding the implications of bigamy is essential, as a marriage deemed bigamous from the outset is considered void and can be annulled. If you suspect your marriage may fall into this category, it’s crucial to seek legal advice promptly.

What’s the Difference Between Annulment and Divorce?

While both annulment and divorce terminate a marriage, they do so in different manners. An annulment voids a marriage, essentially erasing its existence. It’s as if the union never occurred. On the other hand, a divorce acknowledges the existence of the marriage but formally ends it. Divorces often entail the division of marital property, while annulments do not.

Can I Obtain an Annulment in Florida?

Possibly! Specific criteria determine eligibility for an annulment in Florida. To be considered, your attorney will evaluate the relationship, approaching it as if the marital union never existed. Specific circumstances, like cases of bigamy, can make annulments more straightforward.

Florida law has always been an evolving landscape, and I’m always excited to guide individuals through it, as I genuinely believe knowledge empowers my clients. By understanding the nuances of annulments, divorces, and other aspects of family law, we are better equipped to make decisions that serve our best interests.

If you or someone you know is navigating these waters, remember, that the team at Brunelli Law is always here to help. Your journey doesn’t have to be taken alone.

Can I Put My Name On a Child’s Birth Certificate If I’m Not The Biological Father?

Unraveling the complexities of paternity rights in Florida. This comprehensive guide covers legal intricacies, the pitfalls of paternity fraud, and the emotional and financial implications tied to it.
@admin 25 May 2024

Paternity questions such as the one above frequently arise in family law consultations. In Florida, as in many jurisdictions, the answer isn’t simply a “yes” or “no.” It encompasses a blend of legal formalities and moral considerations about the acknowledgement of paternity in florida.

Determining Acknowledgement of Paternity in Florida

In the Sunshine State, the connection between a father and child is initially determined by the marriage status during the child’s birth. If the father was not married to the child’s mother when the child was born, there is no automatic legal relationship. However, establishing a legal bond is feasible through the signing of an Acknowledgement of Paternity form. This document allows a father to inscribe his name on the child’s birth certificate, thus establishing a legal connection. When both parents ink their signatures on this form, they jointly declare themselves as the child’s natural parents.

Can You Reverse Paternity Acknowledgment?

Yes. For those who have had a change of heart or discovered new information, it’s worth noting that the effects of the Acknowledgement of Paternity can be revoked. This requires a court hearing within 60 days of the document’s signing. After the 60-day window, without any challenge, the paternity is legally established under Florida law.

Understanding Paternity Fraud

One manner in which paternity fraud can take place is when a mother intentionally misleads a man into believing he is the biological father of her child. This could result in an innocent man shouldering financial and emotional responsibilities for a child who isn’t his. To protect yourself:

  • Be Informed: Before acknowledging paternity, be sure of the biological connection.
  • Opt for Genetic Testing: If there are doubts, a DNA test can offer clarity.
  • Seek Legal Guidance: An attorney can provide insight on the steps to take if you suspect you’re a victim of paternity fraud.

Paternity Establishment Methods

Several pathways exist to affirm paternity in Florida:

  • Through Marriage: The simplest and most automatic route. If parents are married at the time of birth, paternity is a given.
  • Acknowledgement of Paternity Form: As previously discussed, this method requires the signing of an official document.
  • Genetic Testing: This involves a court-ordered DNA test to corroborate paternity claims.
  • Paternity Action: Here, a judge determines paternity and signs an order establishing paternity.

Post-Paternity Acknowledgment – What’s Next?

After officially acknowledging paternity, it doesn’t automatically grant holistic rights like custody or visitation. However, paternity validation ensures that fathers are informed if the child is put up for adoption, allowing them to assert custody rights.

Alongside these rights come profound responsibilities, such as the father becoming financially accountable for the child.

Concluding Thoughts

Navigating the world of paternity can be intricate and emotionally charged. If you find yourself asking, “Can I put my name on a child’s birth certificate if I’m not the biological father?”, it’s essential to understand the full legal implications and responsibilities that follow. Here at Brunnelli Law, we’re committed to guiding you through these complexities. If you or someone you know is in such a situation, don’t hesitate to seek legal clarity. Always remember, you’re not alone on this journey; reach out, and let’s chart the best path forward.

Relocating with Minor Children in Florida

Explore the essentials of relocating with minor children in Florida. Get expert legal insights on navigating custody laws and the importance of professional guidance.
@admin 17 April 2024

Navigating the legal intricacies of Statute relocation of the minor child in Florida, particularly after a divorce or paternity action, is an area that requires careful consideration and legal know-how. Throughout my many years of legal experience, I have guided many parents through this process, and I’d like to share some deeper insights into what it entails under Florida law.

Understanding Florida’s Relocation Laws

Florida’s child custody law (Florida Statute 61.13001) requires a parent to obtain approval before moving more than 50 miles from their current residence. This requirement is strict and not merely procedural and is intended to protect the rights of both parents and the welfare of the child. In my practice, I’ve seen cases where overlooking this requirement led to significant legal challenges, including the court subjecting the non-compliant parent to contempt and other proceedings to compel the return of the child.

The Necessity of Filing for Relocation

If you are already bound by a child custody or paternity ruling, filing a petition for relocation becomes mandatory. This is especially true once a parenting plan is in place in Florida. Even if a parenting plan or paternity order wasn’t previously issued, it is often prudent to file for relocation. Doing so can preclude potential legal challenges from the other parent, which might arise following an unapproved move.

Avoiding Self-Help Measures in Relocation

One of the key pieces of advice I offer clients is to avoid taking matters into their own hands. Moving outside the fifty-mile radius without securing the necessary court approval or court order can lead to violations of your parenting plan. This, in turn, can result in legal implications regarding your custody rights and responsibilities and can adversely affect the other parent’s visitation rights.

Consent and Relocation Agreements

In an ideal scenario, both parents would amicably agree to the relocation terms. This agreement needs to be detailed, in writing, outlining the parenting plan after the relocation and must be ratified by a family law judge. In my experience, ensuring that all parties involved, including those entitled to time-sharing, consent to the terms can facilitate a smoother relocation process.

Handling Cases Where the Other Parent Objects

When the other parent does not consent to the relocation, the situation becomes more complex. In such cases, you must file a petition for relocation and serve a copy to the other parent. The court will then decide on the relocation, often necessitating a hearing or trial. It is essential to have a well-founded objection that includes factual reasons for the denial and an outline of the non-relocating parent’s involvement with the child.

Preparing Long-Distance Parenting Plans

Relocating more than 50 miles from the principal residence typically necessitates a long-distance parenting plan. If an existing parenting plan is in place, filing for relocation must be done without delay. This plan should address how timesharing will be managed considering the increased distance. For instance, there will be the matter of transportation and travel costs associated with visitation after a move. This can also affect child support which may be adjusted to accommodate these additional costs.

Strategies for Winning a Relocation Case

In cases where there is an objection to the relocation, the burden of proof falls on the relocating parent to demonstrate that the move is in the child’s best interest. The court will consider a variety of factors, including the child’s maturity level, the potential for improved quality of life, and the impact on the child’s physical, emotional, and educational development, as well as if the child will be nearer extended family, such as grandparents.

The Importance of Legal Assistance

The complexities of relocation cases, especially when they involve objections or court trials, truly highlight the need for skilled legal representation. For parents in Florida considering relocating with minor children, navigating and adhering to the legal requirements is crucial. If you find yourself facing such a situation, remember that having an experienced legal counsel by your side can significantly ease the process. At Brunelli Law P.A., we understand these challenges and are here to offer the support and guidance you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us immediately if you require assistance. To schedule a consultation and discuss your case further, click this booking link. We’re here to help you navigate these complex waters with confidence and clarity.

The Importance of Pre-Nuptial Agreements in Florida

Explore why prenuptial agreements are vital in Florida for safeguarding assets and easing divorce proceedings.
@admin 17 March 2024

The beauty of marriage lies in its ability to unite two souls in an everlasting bond of love and commitment. Nevertheless, tying the knot brings forth many legal and financial responsibilities that one must consider carefully. In America, nearly half of all marriages end up failing, which underscores how essential prenuptial agreements can be. It provides couples with proactive measures to safeguard finances, and assets and reduces costly litigation during divorce proceedings. Let’s Explore Prenuptial agreement in Florida:

Legal documents known as prenups are frequently signed by prospective spouses before exchanging vows so that they can protect themselves financially from potential splits or divorces later down the road. These agreements detail which party will take on specific debts along with any impending financial obligations should things fall apart between both parties post-marriage. They also lay out who gets what particular belongings/assets when it ultimately calls for separation.

The discussion surrounding prenuptial agreements can be uncomfortable; however, it’s necessary when entering into any serious commitment, such as marriage, especially if you are bringing significant assets or inheritance to the table. These legal documents outline specifically what each partner is entitled to should circumstances change, like in the event of a separation or death, and ensure clearer understanding of expectations around the division of property as finances are laid out from day one.

Engaged couples must prioritize creating their prenups rather than assuming they won’t need one later on. These legal documents can span dozens of pages and must meet certain criteria for them to have legal standing in court, so consulting with an experienced attorney is a non-negotiable!

Every couple of course wants their marriage to last forever, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. When two individuals unite in matrimony without signing any agreements such as prenups or postnups, it can lead to trouble down the road if they end up separating legally.

The court will split debts and assets but not uniformly based on what each individual contributed throughout the relationship which sometimes leads to an unfair outcome. If you are already married but do not have a prenup, a postnuptial agreement might be an option that, if available, can outline each partner’s rights and responsibilities when it comes to owning properties or finances jointly.

Navigating the legal complexities regarding these types of contracts on your own can be confusing, so you must speak to an experienced attorney like Marjorie Brunelli right away who can help guide you through the process. Whether you’re getting married and want to protect your assets or want to create an agreement for the future, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation and discuss your options today.

What Makes an Attorney Stand Out?

Blending family law, contract expertise, mediation, and Brazilian insights for a unique, holistic legal approach that ensures clarity and peace.
@admin 15 February 2024

Why is a Unique Legal Perspective Important?

Are you Looking for an Experienced Attorney in Florida?

In the realm of law, expertise is often pigeonholed into narrow categories. But what happens when a lawyer combines seemingly disparate areas of law into a unique niche? This epiphany hit me during a conversation with a client, transforming my view of my practice.

How Does Contract Law Enhance Family Law Expertise and Benefit Clients?

My legal career is distinguished by a rare blend of family law, contract law, business transactions, and litigation, providing a comprehensive approach to legal representation that is especially beneficial in family law. My expertise in contract law deepens my ability to draft precise and foresighted marital settlements, pre-nuptial agreements, and other legal documents where every clause is critical, significantly reducing the potential for future disputes. This skill set, exemplified by a case where I crafted an “ironclad” agreement that ended two years of intense litigation for a client, underscores the importance of clear, well-defined terms to prevent conflicts. By integrating contract law principles and mediation skills, I create agreements that are not only legally sound but also equitable and sustainable, aiming to minimize future legal battles and provide clients with stability and peace of mind.

Divorce is a difficult time but it can be worse if you don’t have a great attorney on your side to negotiate a proper settlement agreement and parenting plan. I had to go through it twice because my first attorney left so many things open to interpretation. Marjorie is extremely detail-oriented and goes through every word. She was able to modify and finalize an iron-clad agreement that I refer to often when disagreements come up. Save your sanity and do it right the first time, hire Brunelli Law.”

– Ben S.

What Role Does Being a Supreme Court Licensed Mediator Play?

Mediation is more than just a skill; it’s an art. As a Supreme Court mediator, I bring an element of empathy and understanding to family law disputes. This role demands a balance between legal acumen and emotional intelligence. How does this affect the outcome? It leads to more amicable settlements, preserving relationships while ensuring a fair division of assets.

Is Language Proficiency an Asset in Legal Services?

Absolutely. Being fluent in Portuguese not only allows me to serve the Brazilian community in South Florida but also brings a cultural sensitivity to my practice. How does this impact my legal services? It ensures clear communication, fostering trust and understanding with clients who might otherwise face language barriers.

Why Is This Combination of Skills Rare in the Legal Field?

The legal profession often encourages specialization in one area. However, my diverse background in contract drafting, business transactions, and family law mediation creates a holistic approach to legal issues. This breadth of expertise is rare and valuable, especially when dealing with complex family and business-related legal matters.

Embracing a Unique Legal Niche

Embracing this unique combination of skills has not only set me apart in the legal market but has also enhanced the quality of service I provide to my clients. Understanding the intersection of different legal domains allows for more innovative and effective solutions.

Connect for Specialized Legal Guidance

If you’re seeking legal guidance that combines expertise in family law, contract law, and mediation with a personalized approach, I invite you to book an appointment with me. We are here to help navigate your legal journey with a unique perspective and dedicated service.

Evicted or Squatting: What’s Your Next Move?

Legal steps to swiftly evict squatters or unwelcome guests in Florida, ensuring a quick, lawful reclaim of your property.
@admin 10 January 2024

Why Can’t I Just Lock Them Out?

Imagine coming home to find that a guest, who was only supposed to stay for a week, has decided they’re not leaving. Your first instinct might be to change the locks while they’re out grocery shopping. However, in Florida, the law, specifically under Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes, firmly says, “No, you can’t do that.” It’s a common misconception that locking someone out is the simplest solution to reclaim your space. But legality trumps convenience, and the consequences of such actions can escalate quickly, landing you in more trouble than you bargained for.

What Are My Legal Options Then?

What do you do when Facing eviction or squatting in Florida? The answer isn’t straightforward, but it isn’t a dead end either. The first step is understanding whether a landlord-tenant relationship exists. Did they pay rent? Was there an agreement on the duration of their stay? If the answer is no, you’re likely looking at an Unlawful Detainer action, governed by Chapter 82, Florida Statutes. This is a legal route to regain exclusive possession of your home without the formal eviction process typical of landlord-tenant disputes.

How Quickly Can I Reclaim My Space?

Speed is of the essence, and you’re probably wondering how long it will take to get your property back. Florida law offers a summary procedure for Unlawful Detainer actions under §82.035, aiming for a quicker resolution than standard legal battles. This means the occupant has a mere 5 days to respond once served, according to §51.011. It’s a fast track to reclaiming your space, but only if you navigate it with precision and legal know-how.

But Really, Can I Lock Them Out?

Despite your frustrations and desire for immediate action, the answer remains a firm no. The repercussions of taking matters into your own hands can be severe, extending far beyond a simple legal slap on the wrist. It’s not just about following the law; it’s about protecting yourself from further complications and ensuring that when you do reclaim your space, it’s done right and for good.

What’s the Deal with Service of Process?

Serving your unwelcome guest with notice is a critical step, but it’s not as simple as sliding a letter under their door. Florida statutes, specifically §82.05, have specific requirements for service of process in Unlawful Detainer actions, including posting and mailing if direct service isn’t possible. This ensures the occupant is properly informed and the legal proceedings are valid. Skipping or mishandling this step can derail your efforts before they truly begin.

What If They Just Won’t Leave?

In cases where the occupant is knowingly and willfully squatting, the court doesn’t take kindly to such blatant disregard for property rights. Under §82.03(2), you could be awarded damages equal to double the property’s reasonable rental value, on top of any other damages for the waste of your property. It’s a legal acknowledgment of the inconvenience and potential harm caused by these unwelcome occupants.

So, What’s Your Next Move?

Dealing with an eviction or squatting Florida is undeniably stressful, but you’re not without options. The key is understanding the legal landscape and navigating it with care. Whether it’s identifying the right legal action or guiding you through the Unlawful Detainer process, we’re here to ensure you reclaim your space legally and efficiently.

Ready to Take Back Your Space?

If you’re dealing with a tenant who won’t leave or a squatter taking advantage of your property, don’t face it alone. Contact us today to book an appointment. Our expertise in landlord-tenant evictions and property law means you’ll have the support and guidance needed to resolve your situation effectively. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of the law and reclaim what’s rightfully yours.

The Importance of Well-Drafted Contracts for Business Owners

Navigate the complex world of Florida business contracts with ease. Our latest post outlines the importance of well-drafted contracts, focusing on clarity, customization, and proactive risk management...
@admin 12 November 2023

In the bustling state of Florida, business owners face a myriad of challenges, and navigating the complexities of contracts is one of them. Contracts serve as the foundation of business relationships, outlining rights, obligations, and expectations for all parties involved. However, poorly drafted or ambiguous contracts can lead to costly disputes and legal battles that can jeopardize the success of a business. This article will shed light on the significance of contract law and how it can help business owners in Florida mitigate risks and avoid contract disputes.

Clarity and Precision: The Cornerstones of Effective Contracts

In the realm of contract law, clarity and precision are paramount. Contracts must be written in a manner that leaves no room for misinterpretation or ambiguity. A well-drafted contract should clearly define the rights and obligations of each party involved, leaving no room for confusion or disagreement.

To ensure contracts achieve this level of clarity, it is essential to understand Florida’s contract laws and any recent developments or changes in legislation. Staying informed about the legal landscape allows businesses to formulate contracts that not only comply with legal requirements but also anticipate potential issues and provide robust solutions.

Tailored to Your Business Needs

Every business is unique, and contracts should reflect that. Relying on generic contract templates may not provide the necessary protection and customization required for specific business circumstances. Tailoring contracts to a business’s individual needs is crucial.

When agreeing (partnerships, leases, independent contractors, franchises, purchase and sale, among many others), it is vital to work closely with experienced attorneys who take the time to understand the business’s specific circumstances and goals. By doing so, contracts can address the unique needs of the business, encompassing essential terms and provisions that safeguard interests and minimize potential disputes.

Proactive Risk Management

While disputes can arise in any business relationship, a well-drafted contract can help proactively manage risks and reduce the likelihood of conflicts. Identifying potential pitfalls and including appropriate clauses and safeguards in contracts is crucial for protecting businesses.

Effective contracts should address potential scenarios that may lead to disputes. By anticipating these issues and clearly defining steps to resolve them, businesses can avoid costly litigation and maintain positive relationships. Dispute resolution mechanisms and limitation of liability provisions are examples of provisions that can be included in contracts to minimize risks.

Keeping Up with Changing Laws

Business and contract laws are dynamic and can vary from state to state. Staying up to date with the ever-changing legal landscape is crucial for business owners in Florida. Ensuring that contracts reflect the most recent legal requirements is essential to protect businesses and their interests.

Working with knowledgeable attorneys who understand the nuances of Florida’s business law is essential. These attorneys can guide business owners through the intricacies of drafting contracts that adhere to legal standards and stand up to scrutiny.


In the highly competitive business environment of Florida, well-drafted contracts play a vital role in avoiding costly and time-consuming disputes. Clear, precise, and customized contracts protect business interests and minimize potential risks. Business owners must prioritize the drafting of effective contracts to safeguard their success.

At Brunelli Law, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal guidance and formulating contracts tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses in Florida. We stay up to date with Florida’s business laws, ensuring that contracts comply with legal requirements and reflect the latest legal developments.

Don’t leave your business’s future to chance. Contact us today to discuss your contract needs and take proactive steps to protect your business in the dynamic world of Florida business law.

Resolving Disputes as a Landlord with your Tenants

Trust Brunelli Law, P.A. to guide Florida landlords through the complexities of tenant disputes, from security deposits to evictions, ensuring legal compliance and effective resolution that saves both...
@admin 5 October 2023

Landlord Tenant Dispute Lawyer in Florida:

As a landlord, you’ve probably encountered stories about difficult tenants who refuse to pay rent on time or damage your property – making it an expensive ordeal for all involved parties. These conflicts may eventually turn into legal battles that require significant money and time investments while both parties experience anxiety and irritation. It’s essential to understand common issues that may arise between landlords and tenants from a Landlord tenant dispute lawyer(in Florida)so that you can take preventative measures against them.

This article aims to identify the most typical disputes between landlords and tenants while providing strategies for avoiding expensive lawsuits. As long as landlords comprehend their rights and duties regarding tenancy agreements they can maintain cordial relationships with renters while avoiding costly legal procedures.

Security Deposits

Renting out property can be an excellent source of income for landlords in Florida; however, this type of business arrangement often involves conflicts over security deposits between them and their tenants. To prevent unnecessary legal disputes from arising over this matter:

Landlords need first and foremost recognize their obligations regarding returning tenants’ security deposits under Florida law—which dictates that such funds must be refunded within 15 days of lease termination. Moreover, landlords must notify their tenants within 30 days of any withholdings from the deposit they plan to make in response to any unpaid rent or damages incurred during occupancy.

Ignoring these requirements can result in severe financial consequences for a landlord including paying damages up to three times the amount deposited as well as attorney fees.

Rent Increases

Upon the expiration of a lease in Florida; increased rental rates may indeed come into play as per landlord discretion, but only under the specific guidelines laid down towards such hikes beforehand – which include providing fair warning well ahead in advance & honoring set contractual agreements on previous rates/percentages increases fixed earlier between both parties.

Tenants do have the option for negotiating with their landlord or even choosing to terminate their respective leases altogether when feasible.

Maintenance and Repairs

As a Florida landlord, you are expected to maintain your rental property in good condition and take care of repairs as requested by tenants. This includes ensuring that plumbing systems are working properly as well as having functional heating/air conditioning units. When tenants report an issue or require maintenance work on the property it’s crucial to respond promptly and make repairs promptly.

Failure to do so may lead to consequences like rent being withheld or lease agreements being terminated. It is also important for landlords to understand that they cannot retaliate against tenants who file complaints about needed repairs or contact local housing authorities.

Lease Violations

Whether you’re a seasoned landlord in Florida or just starting out, keeping tabs on your rights and responsibilities under lease agreements is absolutely essential. Having said that, there are many reasons why tenants can sometimes run afoul of the rules – whether it’s subleasing without asking first or breaking rules around pet ownership or noise levels for instance.

Hanging tight to the terms of your legal obligations comes first of course, but be ready too if tenants fail to follow through on their end by acting quickly and, if necessary, by issuing warnings, sending cure notices, or escalating situations as needed towards eviction measures as well. Yet perhaps most importantly is that everyone understands each other from the outset: drawing up a clear and precise contract/lease agreement that lays out what both parties can expect from one another will go a long way towards avoiding headaches down the line!


When a landlord in Florida needs to evict a tenant they must follow the proper legal procedures. This process begins with serving the tenant a notice to vacate, either a 3-day notice for nonpayment of rent or a 7-day notice for lease violations. If the tenant doesn’t comply, the landlord must file a complaint with the court to obtain a final judgment for possession.

If the court approves this final judgment the landlord can request a writ of possession which will give the sheriff permission to remove both tenant and belongings from the property. Landlords must avoid using illegal self-help measures such as changing locks or shutting off utilities.

It’s important to note that eviction can be both time-consuming and costly so landlords should attempt to resolve any disputes before reaching this point. Not following legal procedures when evicting tenants can lead to unnecessary litigation and penalties.

Get help from an experienced attorney

Navigating tenant disputes as a landlord can be daunting, especially when it comes to complex legalities that require expertise beyond your scope of knowledge. By partnering with Brunelli Law P.A. such situations won’t be overwhelming anymore! Our firm is dedicated to assisting landlords throughout Florida in seeking resolutions for rental conflicts involving tenants. Reach out today for reliable guidance from our experienced attorney – we’ll help you end your dispute efficiently and cost effectively!

Navigating Breach of Contract: Why You Need an Experienced Attorney

Trust Brunelli Law, P.A. for expert guidance on contract law, helping you create strong, binding agreements that protect your legal rights and interests, and swiftly addressing breaches to mitigate fi...
@admin 18 September 2023

As someone who has provided legal counsel to clients throughout South Florida for over 14 years, I cannot stress enough the importance of the Breach of contract attorney and understanding contract law in Florida. Oftentimes I see people attempt to create their legal documents using only Google or the internet or enter into handshake deals without a formal contract in place. These approaches may both appear to be budget-friendly initially but ultimately they often lead to disastrous consequences later on.

That’s why I urge you to seek help from an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure that you create a strong, binding contract with all the necessary provisions. Don’t think that because you trust someone you don’t need a contract, or you can just go the DIY route.

A weak contract can leave both parties vulnerable to a Breach of Contract. Failing to comply with contractual agreements has grave outcomes for both individuals involved making it essential for you as an entrepreneur or partner to hold accountability while taking proactive measures against future mishaps.

A breach of contract attorney in Florida can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for all parties involved. The non-breaching party may suffer losses, financial damages, and harm to their reputation or business. They may have to spend a considerable amount of time and money trying to enforce the contract or seek legal remedies. In some cases, breach of contract may also lead to disputes and lawsuits, which can further escalate the situation and damage relationships. On the other hand, the breaching party may face legal liability, financial penalties, and reputational damage. It is essential to understand the risks and consequences of breach of contract and to take proactive measures to prevent or address such situations.

If an infringement on contractual obligations by either party has occurred, then time is not on your side, and it is imperative to act quickly to protect your legal rights. I have seen all too many of my clients come to me after several years have passed since a breach occurred. Unfortunately, at that point, it is often too late to take legal action. In Florida it is typical for the Statute Of Limitations to be set at five years; this means that unless you act with haste and seek appropriate legal advice early on then any damages or terms may not hold up in court when challenged.

At Brunelli Law P.A., we understand the importance of protecting your legal rights when it comes to contracts and agreements. If you are facing a breach of contract or need help creating a strong and binding contract, schedule a consultation with us today to discuss your options and start protecting your rights.

Child Custody and Timesharing in Florida: What You Need to Know

Navigate the intricacies of child custody and timesharing in Florida with confidence by relying on Brunelli Law, P.A., where our decades of experience in family law guide you in safeguarding your righ..
@admin 7 August 2023

In the midst of divorces, both parents can feel vulnerable concerning their involvement in their children’s lives. In Florida, the decisions involving child custody and timesharing are based on the children’s best interests. By understanding these laws, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to protect not just yourself but also your child’s future.

Legal vs. Physical Custody

Florida has actually replaced the use of “custody” with more precise terminology surrounding family law matters involving children. The state differentiates between legal and physical custody. Legal custody involves the responsibility of making critical choices regarding education, medical care, and religion on behalf of one’s offspring. Physical custody dictates where a child will mainly reside.

Sole vs. Shared Custody

Two types of physical custodies that are recognized in Florida are sole and shared physical custody. With sole custody, one parent is given primary physical rights to the child while the other receives visitation opportunities only. Meanwhile, when it comes to shared custody both parents have equal rights over their child’s whereabouts and scheduling.


When it comes to child custody arrangements in Florida, timesharing refers to the time a child spends with each parent. It should be noted that even in instances where shared custody is agreed upon, one parent is usually declared as the primary residential parent for school enrollment and mailing purposes.

Determining Timesharing

When determining timesharing, Florida courts consider the best interests of the child. Factors that are considered include:

  • The child’s relationship with each parent
  • Each parent’s ability to provide a stable home environment
  • Each parent’s willingness to encourage a relationship between the child and the other parent
  • The child’s wishes (if they are mature enough to express a preference)
  • Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse by either parent

Parenting Plans

In Florida, parents are required to create a parenting plan that outlines how they will share responsibility for the child and how they will handle timesharing. The parenting plan must be approved by the court and must include:

  • A timesharing schedule
  • A plan for how major decisions will be made for the child
  • A plan for how the parents will communicate with each other regarding the child

Modifying Timesharing

Changing timesharing arrangements when circumstances change is an essential aspect of parenting. For instance, relocation of one parent might mean adjusting current agreements so that everyone’s interests are safeguarded, particularly those of the child. Additionally, modifications may also occur if one parent fails to provide a stable living situation for the child.

Consult with an Experienced Family Law Attorney

Don’t leave anything up to chance when dealing with child custody and timesharing during divorce proceedings in Florida. Trust in us at Brunelli Law P.A., instead. With decades of experience representing clients in even some of the most complex cases, we’re here to help protect not only parents’ legal rights but also their relationships with their children for years to come.