What are the Main types of Alimony in Florida and are They Determined?

Explore the complexities of spousal support in Florida, including the five unique types of alimony and key factors courts consider, to better understand what to expect in your divorce proceedings.
@admin 19 fevereiro 2023

Main Types of Alimony in Florida

During divorce proceedings the court might determine that one spouse must pay financial compensation to the other – otherwise known as spousal support or alimony. Florida law acknowledges five unique forms of alimony; they are bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, permanent, and lump sum payments, which type of alimony is awarded if any depends on specified circumstances of the marriage and divorce.

Bridge-the-gap alimony

is designed to help one spouse transition from being married to being single. This type of alimony is awarded for a short period, typically up to 2 years, and cannot be modified once it has been awarded.

Rehabilitative alimony

is awarded to help a spouse become self-sufficient by providing support for education or job training. This type of alimony can be modified or terminated if the spouse receiving it fails to follow the rehabilitative plan.

Durational alimony

is awarded for a set period, and cannot exceed the length of the marriage. It is typically awarded in cases where permanent alimony is not necessary.

Permanent alimony

is awarded for an indefinite period, and is typically reserved for cases where the receiving spouse is unable to become self-sufficient due to age, illness, or disability.

Lump sum alimony

is a one-time payment that is typically made instead of any other form of alimony. It can be awarded in cases where a spouse is not entitled to ongoing financial support but is entitled to a settlement.

Florida courts consider various factors when deciding how much alimony to award in a divorce case with different types of alimony in Florida. One major consideration is the duration of the marriage.

This period that marriage lasted is an essential aspect since it determines whether one or both spouses contributed towards establishing and sustaining particular lifestyles and careers during this time together. Generally speaking, longer marriages demand greater monetary figures associated with care provision and household management.

Florida law also requires the court to consider other factors, including the standard of living during the marriage, the financial resources of each party, the earning potential of each party, and the contributions made by each party to the marriage.

Keep in mind receiving alimony payments following a divorce settlement cannot be guaranteed in all situations. The courts will only grant such an arrangement if they conclude that it is essential given specific factors unique to the case at hand.

If you are going through a divorce and have questions about alimony, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney who can help guide you through the process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your options.